Repent and Turn Ministries

Learn how to share your faith...Simply...Effectively...Biblically                                                  

GNN Evangelism Bootcamp

Attending a GNN Evangelism Bootcamp
(The Great News Network)

  November 10-13, 2005


I attended an evangelism bootcamp November 10th-13th, 2005. This was held in Austin, Texas. To read more about the bootcamps, read the end of this newsletter.  I am posting some of the pics that I took while there.

Here I am doing open-air preaching. This is at a crosswalk and next to the University of Texas. The casket was being used by us to draw a crowd, showing that 10 out of 10 of us will die. Do you know if you will go to heaven? 

Sometimes, we had people drive by and hear us, then they would yell obscenities out their window towards us.

Here we are in class getting ready to get started on the first night. Roughly 90 people were here.

Darrel Rundus is on the left. He is the founder of The Great News Newtwork (GNN), who put on the bootcamp. Tim Camp is on the right - he is on staff.

Two of my brothers in Christ...Rick Barnes(left) and Tommy Bell(right)

Austin, Texas' State Capitol Building

Next to the State Capitol

Scott McHargue standing next to the Ten Commandment statue. This is located next to the State Capitol

By the State Capitol

There was a large Veteran's Day Parade in Austin. We went, passed out many gospel tracts and witnessed. Some of our group open-air preached.

Jon Speed open-air preaching at the Veteran's Day parade

Here is one of our gospel tracts after the parade. This was rare. We didn't find many of our tracts thrown on the ground or in the trash.

I just had to get my pic next to the Ten Commandments!

Riding the 'Dillo on the way to witness out by the University of Texas

Josh Maciel, GNN Staff, doing an open-air by UT college

Brad Snow, GNN Staff, open-air preaching in Austin down on 6th Street

Thomas Umstattd Jr. open-air preaching on 6th Street with a heckler (right)

An open-air preaching going on with an angry heckler (right)

Terry Sexton open-air preaching

This pic was taken using the night lense...however, this is how the city of Austin, down on 6th street felt like...hell. It is a very wicked city.

Tommy Bell (left) and me (right)

Here is Nick Astacio from the Brox in New York goofing around near the State Capitol

Shane Rumsey(left) and myself

John Legg, who is from Austraila, was open-air preaching. He had a little fun with the "we're #1 finger". He was waiving the pointed finger about and said, "we're not here to point fingers, but how will you do on the Day of Judgment", that sort of thing.

The police directing traffic leading into the University of Texas football game

This pic was taken after the pedestrian traffic slowed way down! Some of us were passing out tracts and some were open-air preaching to them as they were walking across and waiting for the light to change.

We had one person get baptized at our hotel, in the hotel swimming pool

The State Capitol at night

The odd dressed man is named "Leslie". He spends a lot of time out on 6th Street in Austin. He was one of our biggest hecklers.

Jon Speed open-air preaching on 6th Street

6th Street

Praise God, I graduated bootcamp!

Matt Dodson(left) and myself

Me and Brad Snow(right)

Kristi Rundus and myself

Rick Barnes(left) and myself

Elisabeth Dyvig and myself

This is Jose and me. Jose is a street minister in various places in Texas. He gave us his wisdom in how to witness down on 6th street.

Jon Speed, GNN Staff, as well as my fearless leader during this bootcamp

These are my two roommates. Terry Sexton on the left, and Andy Rutkowski on the right.

What is a GNN Evangelism Bootcamp (EBC)?

What is GNN Evangelism Boot Camp? Let me start by telling you what it’s not. This isn’t some boring book taught seminar. GNN EBC is a hands-on, role up your sleeves; get in the trenches, big time battle against the most evil enemy ever. EBC is the place where you learn to face your fears and boldly proclaim the Great News that Jesus is Lord. GNN EBC is put on in association with The Way of the Master ministries (Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron) and is the place where GNN gets to serve God where people learn to put into practice the biblical principals they’ve learned on The Way of the Master TV show, or the School of Biblical Evangelism. It’s where people from all around the world can come together to sharpen their swords and learn how to be a more effective witness for Jesus. It’s where GNN trains up highly motivated men and women to join God’s great army of evangelist!

Why should you attend the GNN Evangelism Boot Camp? Everyone who has ever attended GNN’s EBC without exception has gone home forever changed. EBC has proven to be an amazing, life-changing experience for all who attend and a place where God truly does work miracles. It’s as though God takes people to a whole new level in their relationship with Him. 

If you feel alone and isolated when trying to find others who are tired of sitting on the barracks while they watch other people sink into Hell, then EBC is the place to be. If you want to be committed to serving Christ by learning how to witness effectively, inoffensively and biblically then submit your application today.

After attending this GNN Evangelism Bootcamp, I have passed the last qualification I needed to become a GNN Local Leader.  I am looking forward to this next step in my ministry. 

In Christ,

Brad St. Clair